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What is time? How do you answer this question? 


Time is a notion that we use all the time, "I don't have time", in 5 min, and yet how to define it.


Time is used a lot in physics as well, and it has been discovered that everyone has their "proper time". In the same way, a person living at sea level would age less quickly than a person living on the 30th floor of a building. This aging is infinitesimal and is not perceptible. This difference between the own clocks would be visible by taking the case of twins on earth and sending one in space at a speed close to that of light. The twin left in space, when it returns on Earth, returns younger than its brother remained on Earth. This is the time dilation.

This story of a proper clock is not a fad. It is experimentally proven with atomic clocks. Physicists have been able to measure different times on atomic clocks.

Let's bring back this notion of time to life, to what touches us, to the reflection of time, to memory, to lost time, to found time? To the time invested in a goal, to the work to the discipline. More broadly to the countries which work on their development... To the time of the assessments... to the life.


This work on plastic that I weld, and mirrors, allow me to physically interpret this process. The work on plastic takes time. The game with the mirrors sends us back to our reality, the transparency allows interesting games of shadows that vary according to the lighting. This game with the transparency of the forms also allows varied dispositions, not necessarily against a wall but as a separation of spaces while leaving them open. Plastic is a light, malleable and durable material for a work of art. It leaves me a lot of freedom in the creation. It is a material whose mysteries I perceive by inventing techniques to work it.

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“Time” series

 Mural sculpture

 Plastic, mirror in bronze

 300 cm x 150 cm x 20 cm


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“Time” series



 42 cm x 34 cm x 24 cm


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“Time” series

 Mural sculpture

 Plastic, mirror in bronze

 420 cm x 100 cm x 20 cm


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“Time” series



580 cm x 120 cm x 20 cm


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© 2023 caroline gueye

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